John Douglas Powers: The Four Winds
The New Gallery, Jan. 16-Feb. 9, 2018 |
An element of art, space refers to distances or areas around, between or within components of a piece. Space can be positive or negative, open or closed, shallow or deep and two-dimensional or three-dimensional. It is also defined as an opportunity for privacy or time to oneself. Continuing with the idea of space, the third exhibition in The New Gallery this year uses the work of John Douglas Powers to engulf the physical and auditorial space of the gallery with only three pieces. This installation consists of a large, wooden, kinetic sculpture and a 30’ video projection balanced by a classiccally influenced monochromatic sculpture. As the sound from the kinetic sculpture fills the gallery with a repetitive, yet subtle, squeel of mechanics, the slow repetitive motion of the sculpture’s reeds are mimicked by the trees in the large background video. This leads the eyes to come to rest on the stillnes of the sole marble and feather sculpture and the ears to dissolve the mechanical sound into white noise, thus creating an agitated space into one that is wholistically meditative. - Michael Dickins, Gallery Director |